Melba Recordings

Melba eNews | 14 November 2014

International recognition for Melba artists,
and the journey to the label

Accolades for piano 8 hand version of Mahler’s Resurrection
Mahler Symphony No.2 Audiophilia Recommended New Release November 2014

“…the recording is, in best Melba tradition, absolutely superb; supremely natural, with huge soundstage width and achieving the rare feat of keeping the two pianos spatially distinct.”

Read the full review

Listen to audio previews and order the CD from our website.
Interview with National Treasure Stephen Emmerson
Photo of Stephen Emmerson “It’s an exciting place to be and an exciting time to be here..”

Pianist Stephen Emmerson is waxing lyrical about the attractions of living on the edge of the world. Head east from his base at Griffith University’s Queensland Conservatorium of Music in South Brisbane – where he has taught since 1987 – and you won’t find much of anything in your way except the Pacific Ocean until you double back on yourself and collide with Chile.

Read the full interview
Maria Vandamme in a UK International Record Review Column
Jascha Spivakovsky pictured with Maria Vandamme in 1970 In the column “Too Many Records” for UK International Record Review, Maria Vandamme touches on her early influences, with special affection for pianist Jascha Spivakovsky.

Among the luminaries who performed at Spivakovsky’s historic Melbourne home, Edzell, were Melba, Schnabel, Rubinstein, Barere, Arrau, Barenboim, Perlemutter, Oistrakh, Ricci, Galli-Curci, Szell, Victor Borge, Elman and Jascha Horenstein.

Read the full article
Benjamin Martin meets the Maestro
Benjamin Martin Included in Benjamin Martin’s latest Melba release is his arrangement of ‘Smile’ from the movie “Modern Times”, composed by Charlie Chaplin. He plays it here for Richard Bonynge, himself an accomplished pianist.

Watch a video of the performance

Listen to audio previews and order the CD from our website.
Melba Foundation

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Patrons & Ambassadors and its Sponsors

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Melba Recordings: A label of fragrant distinction -- MusicWeb International
Melba Recordings Pty Ltd & Melba Foundation Ltd
PO Box 415, Elwood Victoria 3184 Australia
Phone: +61 3 9534 5004  Fax: 613 9593 8533  Email:

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